Generate a HTTP API wrapper package from a yaml template for the API
The internals are a little hacky, but the point is to have as few dependencies as possible, just depending on yaml
right now.
- Specify API in a YAML file
- Run
to generate a package - Write wrapper functions in the new package
- Done!
- Package generation from a yaml template
- gives back raw text right now, will add toggles to add JSON vs. XML parsers
- specify query parameters, including options, whether required or not, and expected class
- same as previous, but for paths on the base URL
Example spec
- nytimes (requires auth)
- stripe (requires auth)
- Canada’s BC government (auth not required)
Simple yml template (not fitting swagger/etc.)
generate a package
use the function generate_pkg()
template <- system.file("examples", "template_crossref.yml",
package = "apipkgen"
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "crpkg")
generate_pkg(path, template_path = template)
your package needs functions
The package created doesn’t have any exported functions, just internal functions for your to build user facing functions.
Let’s write a user facing functions. The Crossref API template above specified for the works
route that parameters are query
and rows
. So let’s work with those.
crossref_works <- function(query = NULL, rows = NULL, ...) {
crpkg::works(query = query, rows = rows, ...)
In addition, it’s a good idea to always allow users to pass in curl options. Beginners can ignore it, but power curl users will want/have to play with curl options. The function builder builds in ...
as a parameter so in the user facing function above all you have to do is add that as well for users to access.
Install package
Go to the new directory, and in R/RStudio run devtools::document()
and devtools::install()
(or equivalent).
Use package
Call the function. The package builder gives back plain text, so you have to parse it yourself.
res <- crossref_works(query = "science")
#> $status
#> [1] "ok"
#> $`message-type`
#> [1] "work-list"
#> $`message-version`
#> [1] "1.0.0"
#> $message
#> $message$query
#> $message$query$`search-terms`
#> [1] "science"
#> $message$query$`start-index`
#> [1] 0
#> $message$`items-per-page`
#> [1] 20
#> $message$items
#> indexed.timestamp reference-count
#> 1 2015, 12, 27 2015-12-27T23:37:50Z 1.451259e+12 0
#> 2 2015, 12, 24 2015-12-24T22:03:23Z 1.450995e+12 0
#> 3 2015, 12, 25 2015-12-25T19:17:30Z 1.451071e+12 0
#> 4 2015, 12, 27 2015-12-27T19:35:51Z 1.451245e+12 0
Example 1
Get a spec, in this case from the Province of British Columbia
bc_spec <-
bc_spec_path <- "bcgov_bcgnws.yaml"
download.file(bc_spec, bc_spec_path)
Generate the package, and install it
pkg_path = "bcgov/",
template_path = bc_spec_path
devtools::install_local("bcgov", force = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
Restart R …
Get man page for a function
Run some functions
unlink("bcgov", TRUE, TRUE)
unlink(bc_spec_path, TRUE)
Example 2
An example with the Directory of Open Access Journals
doaj_spec <- ""
doaj_spec_path <- "doaj.json"
download.file(doaj_spec, doaj_spec_path)
Generate the package, and install it
pkg_path = "doaj/",
template_path = doaj_spec_path,
base_url = ""
devtools::install_local("doaj", force = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
Run a function
unlink("doaj", TRUE, TRUE)
unlink(doaj_spec_path, TRUE)
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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.