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Sling messages and warnings with flair


  what = "Hello world!",
  by = "cow",
  type = NULL,
  what_color = NULL,
  by_color = what_color,
  length = 18,
  fortune = NULL,
  width = 60,

  what = "Hello world!",
  by = "cow",
  type = NULL,
  what_color = NULL,
  by_color = what_color,
  length = 18,
  fortune = NULL,
  width = 60,



(character) What do you want to say? See Details.


(character) Who should say or think it? One of: alligator, ant, anxiouscat, bat, bat2, beavis, behindcat, bigcat, blowfish, buffalo, cat, chicken, chuck, clippy, cow, cow_borg, cow_dead, cow_greedy, cow_sleepy, cow_tired, cow_wired, cow_young, daemon, dragon, duck, duckling, egret, endlesshorse, facecat, fish, frog, ghost, goldfish, grumpycat, hypnotoad, longcat, longtailcat, monkey, mushroom, owl, pig, poop, pumpkin, rabbit, rms, shark, shortcat, signbunny, smallcat, snowman, spider, squirrel, squirrel2, stegosaurus, stretchycat, trilobite, turkey, whale, wolf, yoda. Alternatively, use 'random' to have your message spoken by a random character. We use rlang::arg_match() internally, which does not support partial matching, so you'll get an informative error upon a partial match.


(character) One of message (default), warning, print (default in non-interactive mode), or string (returns string). If run in non-interactive mode default type is print, so that output goes to stdout rather than stderr, where messages and warnings go.


(character or crayon function) One or more crayon-suported text color(s) or crayon style function to color what. You might try colors() or ?rgb for ideas. Use "rainbow" for c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple").


(character or crayon function) One or more crayon-suported text color(s) or crayon style function to color who. Use "rainbow" for c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"). By default is set to be whatever color what_color is so you can have the same color for both with less typing.


(integer) Length of longcat. Ignored if other animals used.


An integer (or number that can be coerced to integer) specifying a fortune from the fortunes package - OR a string which is used as a pattern passed to grep() (and a random one is selected upton multiple matches). Passed on to the which parameter of fortunes::fortune


(integer/numeric) width of each line. default: 60


Further args passed on to fortunes::fortune()


You can put in any phrase you like to the what parameter, OR you can type in one of a few special phrases that do particular things. They are:

  • "catfact": A random cat fact from

  • "fortune": A random quote from an R coder, from fortunes library

  • "time": Print the current time

  • "rms": Prints a random 'fact' about Richard Stallman from the rmsfact::rmsfact() package. Best paired with by = "rms".


Note that if you choose by='hypnotoad' the quote is forced to be, as you could imagine, 'All Glory to the HYPNO TOAD!'. For reference see

signbunny: It's not for sure known who invented signbunny, but this article thinks they found the first use in this tweet:

trilobite: from (site down though)

Note to Windows users: there are some animals (shortcat, longcat, fish, signbunny, stretchycat, anxiouscat, longtailcat, grumpycat, mushroom) that are not available because they use non-ASCII characters that don't display properly in R on Windows.


#>  ______________ 
#> < Hello world! >
#>  -------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
#>  ______ 
#> < what >
#>  ------ 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
#>  ____________________________ 
#> < 2025-03-29 00:22:52.541952 >
#>  ---------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||

say("who you callin chicken", "chicken")
#>  ________________________ 
#> < who you callin chicken >
#>  ------------------------ 
#>       \
#>        \
#>          _
#>        _/ }
#>       `>' \
#>       `|   \
#>        |   /'-.     .-.
#>         \'     ';`--' .'
#>          \'.    `'-./
#>           '.`-..-;`
#>             `;-..'
#>             _| _|
#>             /` /` [nosig]
say("ain't that some shit", "poop")
#>  ______________________ 
#> < ain't that some shit >
#>  ---------------------- 
#>      \
#>       \
#>      (   )
#>   (   ) (
#>    ) _   )
#>     ( \_
#>   _(_\ \)__
#>  (____\ ___)) [nosig]
say("icanhazpdf?", "cat")
#>  _____________ 
#> < icanhazpdf? >
#>  ------------- 
#>          \
#>           \
#>             |\___/|
#>           ==) ^Y^ (==
#>             \  ^  /
#>              )=*=(
#>             /     \
#>             |     |
#>            /| | | |\
#>            \| | |_|/\
#>       jgs  //_// ___/
#>                \_)
say("boo!", "pumpkin")
#>  ______ 
#> < boo! >
#>  ------ 
#>                \
#>                 \
#>                   ___
#>                ___)__|_
#>           .-*'          '*-,
#>          /      /|   |\     \
#>         ;      /_|   |_\     ;
#>         ;   |\           /|  ;
#>         ;   | ''--...--'' |  ;
#>          \  ''---.....--''  /
#>           ''*-.,_______,.-*'  [nosig]
say("hot diggity", "frog")
#>  _____________ 
#> < hot diggity >
#>  ------------- 
#>      \
#>       \
#>         (.)_(.)
#>      _ (   _   ) _
#>     / \/`-----'\/ \
#>   __\ ( (     ) ) /__
#>   )   /\ \._./ /\   (
#>    )_/ /|\   /|\ \_(  [nosig]

# Vary type of output, default calls message()
say("hell no!")
#>  __________ 
#> < hell no! >
#>  ---------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say("hell no!", type = "warning")
#> Warning: 
#>  __________ 
#> < hell no! >
#>  ---------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say("hell no!", type = "string")
#> [1] "\n __________ \n< hell no! >\n ---------- \n      \\\n       \\\n\n        ^__^ \n        (oo)\\ ________ \n        (__)\\         )\\ /\\ \n             ||------w|\n             ||      ||"

# The hypnotoad
say(by = "hypnotoad")
#>  ______________________________ 
#> < All Glory to the HYPNO TOAD! >
#>  ------------------------------ 
#>                 \
#>                  \
#>                 ,'``.._   ,'``.
#>                 :,--._:)\,:,._,.:
#>                 :`--,''   :`...';\
#>                `,'       `---'  `.
#>                /                 :
#>               /                   \
#>             ,'                     :\.___,-.
#>            `...,---'``````-..._    |:       \
#>              (                 )   ;:    )   \  _,-.
#>               `.              (   //          `'    \
#>                :               `.//  )      )     , ;
#>              ,-|`.            _,'/       )    ) ,' ,'
#>             (  :`.`-..____..=:.-':     .     _,' ,'
#>              `,'\ ``--....-)='    `._,  \  ,') _ '``._
#>           _.-/ _ `.       (_)      /     )' ; / \ \`-.'
#>          `--(   `-:`.     `' ___..'  _,-'   |/   `.)
#>              `-. `.`.``-----``--,  .'
#>                |/`.\`'        ,','); SSt
#>                    `         (/  (/

# Trilobite
say(by = "trilobite")
#>  ______________ 
#> < Hello world! >
#>  -------------- 
#>        \
#>         \
#>           _____
#>        .'` ,-. `'.
#>       /   ([ ])   \
#>      /.-""`(`)`""-.\
#>       <'```(.)```'>
#>       <'```(.)```'>
#>        <'``(.)``'>
#>    sk   <``\_/``>
#>          `'---'`

# Shark
say("Q: What do you call a solitary shark\nA: A lone shark", by = "shark")
#>  ______________________________________________________ 
#> < Q: What do you call a solitary shark A: A lone shark >
#>  ------------------------------------------------------ 
#>            \
#>             \
#>               /""-._
#>               .       '-,
#>                :          '',
#>                 ;      *     '.
#>                  ' *         () '.
#>                    \               \
#>                     \      _.---.._ '.
#>                     :  .' _.--''-''  \ ,'
#>         .._           '/.'             . ;
#>         ; `-.          ,                \'
#>          ;   `,         ;              ._\
#>           ;    \     _,-'                ''--._
#>           :    \_,-'                          '-._
#>           \ ,-'                       .          '-._
#>           .'         __.-'';            \...,__       '.
#>         .'      _,-'        \              \   ''--.,__  '\
#>         /    _,--' ;         \              ;           \^.}
#>         ;_,-' )     \  )\      )            ;
#>              /       \/  \_.,-'             ;
#>             /                              ;
#>          ,-'  _,-'''-.    ,-.,            ;      PFA
#>       ,-' _.-'        \  /    |/'-._...--'
#>      :--``             )/
#>   '

# Buffalo
say("Q: What do you call a single buffalo?\nA: A buffalonely", by = "buffalo")
#>  ________________________________________________________ 
#> < Q: What do you call a single buffalo? A: A buffalonely >
#>  -------------------------------------------------------- 
#>                 \
#>                  \
#>                    _.-````'-,_
#>          _,.,_ ,-'`           `'-.,_
#>        /)     (                   '``-.
#>       ((      ) )                      `\
#>         \)    (_/                        )\
#>         |       /)           '    ,'    / \
#>         `\    ^'            '     (    /  ))
#>           |      _/\ ,     /    ,,`\   (  "`
#>           \Y,   |   \  \  | ````| / \_ \
#>             `)_/      \  \  )    ( >  ( >
#>                        \( \(     |/   |/
#>           mic & dwb  /_(/_(    /_(  /_(

# Using fortunes
say(what = "fortune")
#>  ________________________________________________________ 
#> / 1st mail: One of the reasons that SAM is popular, is   \
#> | that it is popular (i.e. since everyone has heard of   |
#> | it, it makes reviewers happy). So, it would be nice to |
#> | be able to point to publications in good journals so   |
#> | that reviewers will be comfortable. (I personally, am  |
#> | quite comfortable with SAM). 2nd mail: Oops, must have |
#> | been a Freudian slip. Actually, I am not perfectly     |
#> | comfortable with SAM. But I am quite comfortable with  |
#> | limma.  Naomi Altman answering the question whether    |
#> | anyone had published data using limma for microarray   |
#> \ analysis bioconductor June 2004                        /
#>  -------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
## you don't have to pass anything to the `what` parameter if `fortune` is
## not null
say("fortune", "spider")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / The existence of a method is not a sufficient reason to \
#> | use that method.  Jari Oksanen about relative           |
#> | advantages of several multivariate analysis methods     |
#> \ R-SIG-Ecology November 2013                             /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>            \
#>             \
#>               |
#>               |
#>               |
#>              __
#>           | /  \ |
#>          \_\\  //_/
#>           .'/()\'.
#>            \\  //  [nosig]
say("fortune", "facecat")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / Seldom are prizes, credit, and gratitude given, else    \
#> | Brian would be drowning in them.  Anthony Rossini about |
#> \ the merits of implementing software R-help May 2004     /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>        \
#>         \
#>          /\ /\
#>          (O o)
#>         =(:^:)=
#>            U      [nosig]
say("fortune", "behindcat")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / 3-D bar plots are an abomination. Just because Excel    \
#> | can do them doesn't mean you should. (Dismount pulpit). |
#> \ Berton Gunter R-help October 2007                       /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>          \
#>           \
#>             |\___/|
#>             )     (
#>            =\     /=
#>              )===(
#>             /     \
#>             |     |
#>            /       \
#>            \       /
#>       jgs   \__  _/
#>               ( (
#>                ) )
#>               (_(
say("fortune", "smallcat")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / If anything, there should be a Law: Thou Shalt Not Even \
#> | Think Of Producing A Graph That Looks Like Anything     |
#> | From A Spreadsheet.  Ted Harding in a discussion about  |
#> \ producing graphics R-help August 2007                   /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>          /\_/\
#>         ( o.o )
#>          > ^ <      [nosig]
say("fortune", "monkey")
#>  ________________________________________________________ 
#> / If you imagine that this pen is Trellis, then Lattice  \
#> | is not this pen.  Paul Murrell on the difference of    |
#> | Lattice (which eventually was called grid) and Trellis |
#> \ DSC 2001, Wien March 2001                              /
#>  -------------------------------------------------------- 
#>                \
#>                 \
#>                   .="=.
#>                 _/.-.-.\_     _
#>                ( ( o o ) )    ))
#>                 |/  "  \|    //
#>                  \'---'/    //
#>            jgs   /`"""`\\  ((
#>                 / /_,_\ \\  \\
#>                 \_\_'__/  \  ))
#>                 /`  /`~\   |//
#>                /   /    \  /
#>           ,--`,--'\/\    /
#>           '-- "--'  '--'
say("fortune", "egret")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / [Listing original copyright holders in R packages is]   \
#> | especially useful if there are areas of doubt and       |
#> | uncertainty (eg code published on ftp sites before      |
#> | people worried about licenses), since it at least gives |
#> | you rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty.[5]  |
#> | [5] Adams D, (1978) Hitchhiker's Guide. BBC Radio.      |
#> | Thomas Lumley in a discussion about copyright vs.       |
#> \ licenses R-devel January 2010                           /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>         \
#>          \
#>            _,
#>       -==<' `
#>           ) /
#>          / (_.
#>         |  ,-,`\
#>          \\   \ \
#>           `\,  \ \
#>            ||\  \`|,
#>  jgs      _|| `=`-'
#>          ~~`~`
say(fortune = 10)
#>  _______________________________________________________ 
#> / Overall, SAS is about 11 years behind R and S-Plus in \
#> | statistical capabilities (last year it was about 10   |
#> | years behind) in my estimation.  Frank Harrell (SAS   |
#> \ User, 1969-1991) R-help September 2003                /
#>  ------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say(fortune = 100)
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / I'm not sure I'd trust any computer recommendation from \
#> | 1976, no matter how famous the authors are.  Peter      |
#> | Dalgaard after Samuel Edward Kemp cited a               |
#> | recommendation about nonlinear least squares computer   |
#> \ programs from 'Box-Jenkins, 1976' R-help January 2005   /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say(fortune = "whatever")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / Justin: Is there a function that just does whatever I'm \
#> | thinking (aka whatever my homework question is...)?     |
#> | Joshua Ulrich: That's the magic_pony function.  Justin  |
#> \ and Joshua Ulrich June 2013           /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say(fortune = 7)
#>  ____________________________________________________ 
#> / What we have is nice, but we need something very   \
#> | different.  Robert Gentleman Statistical Computing |
#> \ 2003, Reisensburg June 2003                        /
#>  ---------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
say(fortune = 45)
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> / It seems to me against the spirit of Open Source        \
#> | software to attempt to monitor distribution. We could   |
#> | ask R to 'call home' on first use (in the way e.g. pine |
#> | does) but I suspect many users would find that          |
#> | objectionable.  Brian D. Ripley in a discussion about   |
#> | trying to estimate the number of R users R-help April   |
#> \ 2004                                                    /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>       \
#>        \
#>         ^__^ 
#>         (oo)\ ________ 
#>         (__)\         )\ /\ 
#>              ||------w|
#>              ||      ||
# Clippy
say(fortune = 59, by = "clippy")
#>  ________________________________________________________ 
#> / Let's not kid ourselves: the most widely used piece of \
#> | software for statistics is Excel.  Brian D. Ripley     |
#> | 'Statistical Methods Need Software: A View of          |
#> | Statistical Computing' Opening lecture RSS 2002,       |
#> \ Plymouth September 2002                                /
#>  -------------------------------------------------------- 
#>  \
#>   \
#>     _
#>    / \
#>    | |
#>    @ @
#>   || ||
#>   || ||
#>   |\_/|
#>   \___/ GB
say("rms", "rms")
#>  ________________________________________________________ 
#> / Richard Stallman is licensed under GPL, so you can     \
#> | clone him and redistribute copies so you can help your |
#> | neighbor. For example a version that take a bath more  |
#> \ often.                                                 /
#>  -------------------------------------------------------- 
#>                   \
#>                    \
#>                     @@@@@@ @
#>                   @@@@     @@
#>                  @@@@ =   =  @@ 
#>                 @@@ @ _   _   @@ 
#>                  @@@ @(0)|(0)  @@ 
#>                 @@@@   ~ | ~   @@
#>                 @@@ @  (o1o)    @@
#>                @@@    #######    @
#>                @@@   ##{+++}##   @@
#>               @@@@@ ## ##### ## @@@@
#>               @@@@@#############@@@@
#>              @@@@@@@###########@@@@@@
#>             @@@@@@@#############@@@@@
#>             @@@@@@@### ## ### ###@@@@
#>              @ @  @              @  @
#>                @                    @
# Using the catfacts API
say("catfact", "cat")
#>  _________________________________________________________ 
#> /Spanish-Jewish folklore recounts that Adam’s first     \
#> | wife, Lilith, became a black vampire cat, sucking the   |
#> | blood from sleeping babies. This may be the root of the |
#> | superstition that a cat will smother a sleeping baby or |
#> \suck out the child’s breath.                           /
#>  --------------------------------------------------------- 
#>          \
#>           \
#>             |\___/|
#>           ==) ^Y^ (==
#>             \  ^  /
#>              )=*=(
#>             /     \
#>             |     |
#>            /| | | |\
#>            \| | |_|/\
#>       jgs  //_// ___/
#>                \_)