.. _contributing: Contributing ============ .. important:: Double check you are reading the most recent version of this document at https://sckott.github.io/pyror/ Bug reports ----------- Please report bug reports on our `issue tracker`_. .. _issue tracker: https://github.com/sckott/pyror/issues Feature requests ---------------- Please put feature requests on our `issue tracker`_. Pull requests ------------- When you submit a PR, you'll see a template that pops up - it's reproduced here. - Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title - Describe your changes in detail - If the PR closes an issue, make sure to include, e.g., `fix #4` or similar, or if it just relates to an issue, make sure to mention it like `#4` - If introducing a new feature or changing behavior of existing methods/functions, include an example if possible to do in brief form - Did you remember to include tests? Unless you're changing docs/grammar, please include new tests for your change Writing tests ------------- We're using `pytest` for testing. See the `pytest docs`_ for help on contributing to or writing tests. The Makefile has a task for testing with vcr (using fixtures: `make test`) and without (`make test_no_vcr`) .. _pytest docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/