Get a species list via spocc

spp_list(query = NULL, from = "gbif", limit = 500, geometry = NULL, ...)



(character) One to many scientific names. See Details for what parameter in each data source we query.


(character) Data source to get data from, any combination of gbif, bison, inat, ebird, ecoengine and/or vertnet


(numeric) Number of records to return. This is passed across all sources. To specify different limits for each source, use the options for each source (gbifopts, bisonopts, inatopts, ebirdopts, ecoengineopts, and antwebopts). See Details for more. Default: 500 for each source. BEWARE: if you have a lot of species to query for (e.g., n = 10), that's 10 * 500 = 5000, which can take a while to collect. So, when you first query, set the limit to something smallish so that you can get a result quickly, then do more as needed.


(character or nmeric) One of a Well Known Text (WKT) object or a vector of length 4 specifying a bounding box. This parameter searches for occurrences inside a box given as a bounding box or polygon described in WKT format. A WKT shape written as 'POLYGON((30.1 10.1, 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1))' would be queried as is, i.e. See Details for more examples of WKT objects. The format of a bounding box is [min-longitude, min-latitude, max-longitude, max-latitude]. Geometry is not possible with vertnet right now, but should be soon. See Details for more info on geometry inputs.


Further args passed on to occ


if (FALSE) { geometry <- "POLYGON((8.98 48.05,15.66 48.05,15.66 45.40,8.98 45.40,8.98 48.05))" # gbif spp_list(geometry = geometry) # gbif, ecoengine and ebird res <- spp_list(geometry = geometry, from = c('gbif', 'bison'), limit = 20) res$gbif res$bison # pass on options to spocc::occ() res <- spp_list("Asteraceae", from = "gbif", gbifopts = list(country = 'US')) res <- spp_list("Accipiter", from = "vertnet", vertnetopts = list(stateprovince = 'Arizona')) res <- spp_list(from = "inat", geometry = c(-125.0,38.4,-121.8,40.9)) }