These error classes are for each HTTP error, and inherit from the Error class in this package.


In addition to what's available in Error, these classes have a single variable mssg that is the very verbose complete message describing the HTTP condition in detail. You can include that message in your condition by using do_verbose (see below)


In addition to the methods documented in Error, these methods also have:

  • do_verbose(response, template) Execute condition, whether it be message, warning, or error.

    • response: is any response from crul, curl, or httr Execute condition, whether it be message, warning, error, or your own custom function. This method uses message_template_verbose, and uses it's default value.

    • template: a template to use for the verbose message, see Error for details

See also


  message_template = "{{reason}} ............ {{status}}",
  message_template_verbose = "{{reason}} .>.>.>.>.>.> {{status}}\n {{message}}"
#> <HTTPRequestURITooLong>
#>   behavior: stop
#>   message_template: {{reason}} ............ {{status}}
#>   message_template_verbose: {{reason}} .>.>.>.>.>.> {{status}}\n {{message}}