Error class



Behavior of the error. default: auto. See Details


A message template. optional. use whisker templating. names to use are: reason and status. use in template like {{reason}} and {{status}}. Note that {{message}} that is used in message_template_verbose will be ignored here.


(logical) indicating if the call should become part of the error message. Default: FALSE


A verbose message template. optional. use whisker templating. names to use are: reason, status, message. use in template like {{reason}}, {{status}}, and {{message}}. Note that this is ignored here, but is used in the HTTP* methods (e.g. HTTPBadRequest)


(logical) whether to not respond when status codes in 1xx-3xx series. Default: FALSE



  • do(response, mssg) Execute condition, whether it be message, warning, or error.

    • response: is any response from crul, curl, or httr Execute condition, whether it be message, warning, error, or your own custom function. This method uses message_template_verbose, and uses it's default value.

    • mssg: character string message to include in call. ignored if template does not have a message entry

  • set_behavior(behavior)

    Set behavior, same as setting behavior on initializing with $new()

behavior parameter options

  • stop - use stop

  • warning - use warning

  • message - use message

  • auto - toggle between stop and message depending on the HTTP status code series. Defaults will be:

    • 1xx: message

    • 2xx: message

    • 3xx: message

    • 4xx: stop

    • 5xx: stop

Of course, you can always override the defaults.

See also


#> <HTTP Error>
#>   behavior: stop
#>   message_template: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}})
#>   message_template_verbose: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}}).\n - {{message}}
# reset behavior
(z <- Error$new())
#> <HTTP Error>
#>   behavior: stop
#>   message_template: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}})
#>   message_template_verbose: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}}).\n - {{message}}
#> <HTTP Error>
#>   behavior: warning
#>   message_template: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}})
#>   message_template_verbose: {{reason}} (HTTP {{status}}).\n - {{message}}